Wednesday, September 25, 2013

as light as Autumn sunlight

Today, supervisor giggled while I was showing him the networks, saying "they look like animals", you could see he was trying to make their sounds too, with no success, unfortunately. The meeting was fun though.

Today, they harassed her in the airport. I ran, I worried. I will hug her tightly early tomorrow morning, when she arrives from USA. I don't know who am I worried for. Is it her, is it me in the same situation, is it any other woman in the same situation, is it any other person.

And then there you go,  trying to make sense of some code. I like the way you think, I enjoy your comments and when I say you sound like someone dissecting a bizarre unknown animal, you sent me this pick. I liked that moment - wanted to save it.

It is the next day. We are standing beside an ever rising tower we have built, amazed by its height, as I have your hand in mine, I wonder would we ever be able to get to the top and see the world from high up? Or is it just gonna be an absolutely amazing monument of ours which we could only cherish from here-on the ground? We look so tiny here compared to it. We look like, - nothing.

فصل قهوه - کدو حلوایی - دارچین - کیک سیب - کارامل - شیرینی گرم صبحانه - مربای تمشک
 مدام تکرار میشود- لاس میزنم با این جمله -  در ذهنم:  روزهایی هستند،  به سَبُکی آفتاب پاییزی
نمیتونم بگم تو این جمله، ''سَبُکی'' برای روزها  ماهیتش رو از آفتاب پاییزی میگیره،  یا آفتاب پاییزی درک   سَبُکیشو از روزها به عاریت میگیره